MBA admissions: advice on recommendations
This is that part of the process that you have very little control over, so it is important that you pick the people well. Totally fine if you’re not going to use a current supervisor, and in fact, when I worked in admissions, I would say maybe a third of applications I read didn’t have a current sup. Perfectly fine, but make sure that you do choose someone who either has supervised you in the past or is a senior leader at the firm who can really speak to the level of growth that you’ve had with the company. Ideally, you’ve known them for longer than six months. Ideally, they’ve been in the industry for far longer than you have so they can compare you to other people, like your peers, and indicate how you are a top performer. Ideally, they write it completely on their own. I have clients every year who are tempted to write it themselves. ‘Oh, this person is busy. It would be so easy if I just wrote it.’ Resist that temptation. Please don’t do it. It just really should come from a voice other than your own and come from someone who has supervised you in some capacity or overseen your work and can compare you to others. Ideally, all of those really great interpersonal strengths of yours come through and you come across as a team player who is a great leader and would be a great value add for that business school.